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College Directory

Custodial Operations

R. Thomas Flynn Campus Center
Brighton Campus
Building: 3, Room: 174
Phone Number: 585-292-2593

Staff Listing

NamePhone #Email
Smith, Dana A., Clerk, Custodial Operations585-292-2593
Haines, John M., Custodial Supervisor585-292-2592
Costello, James , Head Custodian585-292-2594
Tomb, Cory D., DC Head Custodian585-292-2594
Addis, Michael C.585-685-6180
Barnes, Kevin 585-685-6180
Bell, Frank 585-292-2594
Benjamin, Keith 585-292-2594
Calhoun, Joe 585-292-2594
Cohen, William R.585-292-2594
Condello, Joseph 585-292-2594
Conley, Ryan 585-292-2594
Crawford, Radcliffe 585-292-2594
Dennis, Kenneth 585-292-2594
DiBenedetto, Sabrina E.585-292-2594
Dolce, Michael 585-292-2594
Drayton, Idella 585-292-2594
Ellwanger, Donald J.585-292-2594
Ellwanger, Thomas E.585-292-2594
Gaskin, Johnny 585-292-2594
Grzywacz-Gwozdz, Malgorzatz 585-292-2594
Gwozdz, Jerzy 585-292-2594
Harris, Michael B.585-292-2594
Hughes, John 585-292-2594
Jackson, Joey 585-292-2594
Johnson, Tim 585-685-6180
Johnson, Lerone 585-292-2594
Konate, Yaya 585-292-2594
Kurman, Lisa M.585-685-6630
Lawhorn, Brian J.585-292-2594
Lebioda, Margaret 585-292-2594
Mendez, Manuel V.585-685-6180
Miles, Dalvin 585-685-6180
Molinero, Juan A.585-292-2594
Morey, Colin 585-292-2594
Nguyen, Quoc-Thang T.585-292-2594
Ortiz, Edwin M.585-292-2594
Panzetta, Matthew 585-292-2594
Perry, Brian 585-292-2594
Preston Jr, Kenneth 585-685-6180
Quinones, Antonio 585-292-2594
Ras, 3Gregory 585-685-6180
Rector, Wyman 585-292-2594
Robinson, Lincoln 585-292-2594
Robinson, Joylyn 585-292-2594
Roux, William M.585-292-2594
Russell, Estor 585-685-6180
Rzepa, Dorota 585-292-2594
Santiago, Luis 585-292-2594
Scott, David 585-292-2594
Scott, Cory L.585-292-2594
Seibert, David 585-292-2594
Smith, Larry 585-292-2594
Struzik, Marek R.585-292-2594
Suchodolski, Irena 585-292-2594
Thomas, Rhonda D.585-292-2594
VonBuren, Don 585-685-6180
Vu, Khanh Q.585-292-2594
Williams, Rickia A.585-292-2594
Wiseley, Tod 585-685-6180

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